
Your Health: Is It a Priority in Difficult Economic Times? (Part 2)

The following actions are necessities rather than luxuries if you desire to lengthen your life and upgrade its quality all along the journey:

  1. a) Consume a diet rich in whole unprocessed foods, with an emphasis on organic fruits and vegetables.
  2. b) Supplement at least with essential pharmaceutical-grade antioxidant vitamins and chelated minerals, omega-3 fish oils, and co-enzyme Q10.
  3. c) Exercise several days a week focusing upon expanding your cardiac and lung capacity, as well as stretching and strengthening your paraspinal and extremity muscles.
  4. d) Have your spinal/nervous system subluxations released on a regular consistent basis by an experienced doctor of chiropractic

Many people already understand the importance of the first three actions but most don’t understand the critical significance of the last one. Frequent chiropractic adjustments are necessary in this injury- and stress-filled world to maintain a balanced frame so you can avoid disc and joint decay, future chronic pain, and possible surgical intervention.

I’ve seen the disastrous consequences of the public’s lack of understanding in this area every day in my office! Countless numbers of patients in crisis have desperately wished they could have gone back and done things differently. One thing they have in common is that they didn’t know the degenerative process was occurring and never suspected they would end up in such dire straits.

Adjustments are also imperative to maintain optimum communication between your brain and every organ and tissue cell of your body. This one action has been proven to enhance critical immune system protection, decrease cancer and other disease risks, stimulate self-healing recovery from various illness and disease conditions, facilitate DNA self-repair from oxidative stress, and slow aging.

Chiropractic care for restoring and supporting whole body health is unfortunately most likely the best kept health secret.

Is chiropractic a luxury or a necessity during difficult economic times? Is it a priority for you regardless of whether it is for your insurance company?

If you want a long, vital, healthy life with the best chance of avoiding chronic pain then I believe it is “something that cannot be done without, something essential to maintaining well-being.” If you wait too long, it will become a necessity because it will be a “pressing or urgent need, a condition requiring relief.”

I encourage not to wait.
